base rom ini adalah whmod R3
makasih banyak buat agan whmod yang udah bikin base stock.
Pada dasarnya modding ane bikin Max C semirip mungkin XPERIA Z haha ngiler XPERIA Z kagak kebeli :P
Fitur :
- Modiified framework, icon color style from Experia Z
- Kitkat gradient status bar
- Xperia Z lockscreen with changeable wallpaper from setting
- Working Smallapps tested SmallCalculator, Small Camera, Smal Multiclip, Small Music add smalllauncher to systemui toggles
- Change icon all apps according to XPERIA Z
- Walkman with working visualizer, Soundechanment include clearphas, Xloud, S-Force Front Surround 3D
- Album and movie with X-reality support
- Add MyXperia, Wifi base Location, noflrills CPU Control
- Semc Recorder and MIUI Clock indonesian translated by me
- Setting White like Xperia Z
- Fixed XPERIA bootanimation and shutdwnanimation
- kebanyakan yg dirombak jadi lupa :P
Founded Bugs :
- SystemUI clear all notification button not working ( ane bingung editing smaali na lieeeurrr sumpah :) )
- SemcDLNA not working kalo ganggu hapus aja
Relase ane percepat karena ane ada kerjaan ke luar daerah yg minim sinyal apalagi smartbro
Cara instal :
Sama kaya rom lainnnya :)
Thanx to :
- All admin Grup Smartfren andromax c
- Whmod for base stock R3
- Xda Dev adi aishiteru, sandy7, thilinac kebanyakan kalo di sebut atu-atu
- My Little Princess
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