Req : Rooted device
Tuts :
1. download this apk's
downloaddownloaddownload2. - Install Xposed Installer.apk
- run xposed framework, go to framework tab, click "Install/update"
- reboot
(skip this part if u already have xposed framework)
3 Install xhaloFloatingWindows.apk
4 - Run XposedInstaller again , go to modules tab, Check Xhalofloating windows
- Reboot
5. Run XhaloFloatingWindows, Click "System (show/hide)"
- Change the values of "Long Press Notif. Menu" turning to ON
- On Movable/resizable tab change to enabled
6. Install Halo.apk
-Run Halo
- Click "Pin application"
- Choose apps u need to run in floating windows
-still in di HALO, Click icon "play" to activate it
7.the apps that we choose will appear in notification drawer,Hold long in icon of your app , this will open up menu, choose "Open in Halo" to running that app in floating mode