all working
except :
dualsim work but only one signal appear
smartbright not work
room port from JIAYU G3 Rom + Theme : to install:
1. copy rom to SDcard.
2. go to recovery (cwm).
3. wipe data/factory reset
4. install zip from SD via cwm.
5. wipe cache parttion
6. wipe dalvik cache
7. Reboot.
Copy to sdcard folder MIUI => theme
then open aplication theme manager upgrade => upgrade all done
(don't forget to create xiaomi account without that account you can't apply theme)
recommended change theme, becouse default theme glitch in frame work.
credits to:
me of course
SoCr@Te (
yang ada masalah sama google play not compatible bisa install : Run WSM tools
Settings => manage WSM => install => reboot.
baru intall modul play store fix